It has often been said that life is a journey, a continuous struggle to achieve happiness and success. Throughout this lifelong process, each of us much embark upon several shorter, but no less important, journey. Whether we living the comfort of our childhood home to make our way in the world, pursuing in education or career, it takes the great deal of effort and persistence to succeed in these ambitions.
There are two key ingredients that make a significant contribution to the success of any endeavor: a well-defined essence of purpose, and a solid foundation suited to the demands of a given pursuit, such as strong personal ideals highly specialized skills.
Making this website is my greatest pleasure. Without the help of our computer teacher Mr. Markleen Guimbao I can't make my own website. He was the one who encourage us to make it as part of our lesson and a project.
In my website you will know more about my family, friends and who I am. You will know what do i want in my life someday, what are my likes and dislikes and of course you will know about my school.
Whether I like it or not, or whether I admit it or not, I heartily accept all your comments and suggestions. You can email me at Enjoy viewing my website.
Thank You and May God Bless You!!